• Are you losing your most talented professionals and feeling like you waste a lot of time trying to hire new ones?

  • Are your sales dwindling and you aren’t sure why?

  • Is the tension in the workplace so thick you could cut it with a knife?

  • Are absenteeism and medical leaves on the rise?

You know something is going on internally but you just can’t seem to put your finger on what has to happen to create psychological safety and a culture where mental health and wellness is valued. You do not have to work on this alone.

Reach out to have a highly confidential workplace assessment and investigation conducted to receive customized options and resources to go from surviving to thriving.



  1. Book a Free Consult to meet privately and confidentially for up to an hour using zoom to explore any organizational concerns and challenges you are facing as well as the balanced culture you want to cultivate in your organization. 

  2. A System Wide Confidential Discovery process begins with your organization.  This can include but is not limited to; data mining to establish the most valuable ROI markers, team wide blinded surveys, workplace investigations, team assessments and in-person private meetings to uncover the root causes of imbalance that is impacting a balanced team culture, declining performance and revenues.  This is a highly customized investigative process and varies from organization to organization.  The findings are compiled into a report for your review.    

  3. A Review of the Discovery Report Findings is scheduled and we discuss and explore the findings together.  Together we determine what the best course of action is to create the optimal  balanced culture and high performance organization that you desire.  

  4. We Establish Key Milestones to begin making this a reality.  You decide which areas you want to focus on first and we create measures for success together.  The goal in this stage is to create realistic and attainable milestones that are achievable and have immediate impact on team culture.  I understand the importance of seeing your success quickly as an exceptional performer running a purpose driven organization.   

  5. Design an Effective Strategy for Implementation to reach the identified milestones.  This may include leveraging and utilizing trusted existing resources of yours, or engaging those required from my agency of verified professionals. The investment required for resources at this stage will vary from organization to organization.  It is at this point you can take the strategy and implement on your own or we can move forward in partnership to begin the implementation process while continuously tracking for you the ROI data markers from the last step.

  6. A Weekly Meeting occurs with you or your designated point of contact for this process to explore implementation progress, needs and resulting engagement.  

  7. Hold a Quarterly Review across the entire organization to determine the impact that the strategies are having, solicit further feedback, analyze the ROI data balance markers, determine any new areas surfacing that need immediate attention and celebrate the successes that have occurred. 

  8. Create a Closing Celebratory Event to be enjoyed by the entire organization once the ROI data markers and all of the identified milestones have been realized.  My team can fully coordinate a first-class event for you, or I can support your internal team to create one. 

  9. Proudly Display your “Balanced Business” Award Seal once you have achieved key indicators proudly display this award badge online and in your company print materials to attract top talent so they know your organization subscribes to the philosophy that balance is essential for your team and that psychological health and safety not only matters to the organization - but is honored daily.